Chess Girls DC

Chess Girls DC

Pro Bono Work for a Non-Profit Organization


While working at IBM as an IT Consultant, I agreed to work on a pro-bono project to redesign a local non-profit organization. The former site lacked organization and clarity, which prevented support through donations.


The site was originally set-up on WordPress and since the founder would be updating information as needed, we decided to continue using the content management system (CMS). I used a free theme, but customized the HTML and CSS to improve the design.


Building websites that may later be modified can sometimes be hard. I tend to go about these projects with emotions and think of each as a work of art. However, sometimes the job simply entails designing for a final project and that’s it.


Date: May 2016


  • UX/UI Design
  • Web Design
  • Web Development
  • Interaction Design
  • Information Architecture


  • WordPress
  • HTML
  • CSS
I solicited volunteers to develop a website for a non-profit organization in which I am affiliated and Natasha graciously volunteered to do so. The organization had a site that wasn't well organized and didn't represent the organization well with potential donors, volunteers or participants. The new site is "night and day" different from the original site -- it is visually appealing, compelling and easy to navigate. The exec director of the non-profit has shared with me that the new site has really opened up doors for the organization and changed its perception externally. Thanks Natasha!
Jill G.

Advocate for This Pro-Bono Opportunity

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